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Bibliotēkas krājumā esošo zinātniskā rakstīšanas, zinātnisko stenda referātu un datu vizualizācijas grāmatu virtuālā izstāde

Writing High-Quality Medical Publications : a User's Manual

Stephen W. Gutkin. 2019.

Online accessISBN 9781351649841 (PDF). 

The imperative to'publish and not perish'has never been more compelling. Yet millions of manuscripts are prepared each year without a clear path to publication by a peer-reviewed medical journal. Drawing from the author's distinguished, nearly 30-year career, this comprehensive and supportive guide helps to get your paper accepted—and by the journal of first choice.


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Reporting and Publishing Research in the Biomedical Sciences

Peush Sahni, Rakesh Aggarwa. 2018.

Online access. ISBN 9789811070624 (PDF). 


This book eases the task of converting research work into a manuscript, and covers the recent developments in publishing that often stump budding researchers. Few researchers in the biomedical sciences are trained in the essential skills of reporting their results, and they seek help in writing a paper that will be acceptable for publication in the ‘right' journal, and in presenting their results ‘effectively' at a meeting. As well as covering the basic aspects of preparing manuscripts for publication, the book discusses best practices and issues relating to the publication of biomedical research, including topics such as peer-review, authorship, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, publication misconduct, electronic publishing and open-access journals.


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Medical Writing : a Guide for Clinicians, Educators, and Researchers

Robert B. Taylor. 2018. 

Online accessISBN 9783319701264 (PDF). 

This book is a clear and comprehensive guide that assists readers in translating observations, ideas, and research into articles, reports, or book chapters ready for publication. For both researchers and practicing physicians, skills in medical writing are essential. The text includes in depth instructions for writing and publishing: review articles, case reports, editorials and letters to the editor, book reviews, book chapters, reference books, research protocols, grant proposals, and research reports. 


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The 21st Century Guide To Writing Articles In The Biomedical Sciences

Shiri Diskin. 2018.

Online access. ISBN 9789813231870 (PDF).

We live in an unprecedented era of flourishing of scientific publishing. However, many professionals in the biomedical sciences find writing articles to be a daunting task. The book is meant to serve as a practical writing guide that covers the writing process from the project's inception until online distribution of the published article.The book covers the framework for constructing a scientific study into a coherent narrative that can later be easily translated into a written manuscript.


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Medical Writing and Research Methodology for the Orthopaedic Surgeon

Cyril Mauffrey, Marius M. Scarlat. 2017.

Online accessISBN 9783319693507 (PDF).

This unique guide is designed to facilitate the complex task of getting a paper published in an orthopaedics journal. The editors have enlisted expert orthopaedic surgeons from prestigious academic institutions, who share essential advice on how to set up and write on your research. The book addresses fraud issues, the correct use of English and editing, how to develop a sound research methodology, and editors and reviewers expectations, along with the main reasons for rejection.


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Neuropsychological Report Writing

Edited by Jacobus Donders. 2016.

ISBN 9781462524174.

This book brings together experts to provide an in-depth guide to high-quality report writing in a range of contexts, including evaluations of older adults, psychiatric patients, those with complex medical conditions, schoolchildren, and others. It reviews the fundamental elements of a clinical neuropsychological report and shows how to tailor findings, conclusions, and recommendations to particular audiences, such as referring physicians, school professionals, and legal decision makers. 


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Professional Writing in Kinesiology and Sports Medicine

Mark Knoblauch. 2019. Online access.

ISBN 9781630915070 (PDF).

Publication of a research article can be a defining moment in a researcher's career. However, the steps involved in turning an initial research question into a published article can be a long and arduous journey. To aid in this process, Professional Writing in Kinesiology and Sports Medicine was developed to serve as a comprehensive writing guide for research professionals and students who are looking to improve their academic writing skills.


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Writing Skills in Nursing and Healthcare : a Guide to Completing Successful Dissertations and Theses

Dena Bain Taylor. 2014.

ISBN 9781473908543 (PDF) 

Developing persuasive, clear, authoritative writing for academic and professional work can be a real challenge for many. This book guides the reader through the writing process for a dissertation, thesis or essay. Practical strategies and tips for each stage of the process are offered throughout, from critical reading through to preparing the final piece of work for submission.


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Writing Dissertation and Grant Proposals : Epidemiology, Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics

Lisa Chasan-Taber. 2014.

Online access. ISBN 9781466512078 (PDF).


This text targets effective grant proposal writing in epidemiology, preventive medicine, and biostatistics. It provides summary checklists and step-by-step guidelines for grant structure and style, critical do's and don'ts that aid in writing solid grant proposals, and broader strategies for developing a research funding portfolio. Written by an established NIH reviewer with an impressive track record of funding, the book demonstrates proven tactics with extensive examples from successfully funded proposals. It serves as a virtual cookbook of the ingredients needed to construct a winning grant proposal.


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Professional Writing for Social Work Practice

Daniel Weisman, and Joseph L. Zornado. 2018. 

ISBN 9780826178145.  

This invaluable guide helps social workers develop the writing skills necessary for a successful career. Actual examples drawn from all arenas of social work demonstrate strong and problematic writing. Organized around the core social work curriculum, the book’s examples are applicable to every foundation course. Each example begins with field notes and proceeds through drafts to the final version, with explanations about corrections. 


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Publication manual of the American Psychological Association : the Official Guide to APA Style

American Psychological Association. 2020.

ISBN  9781433832161. 

Known for its authoritative, easy-to-use reference and citation system, the Publication Manual also offers guidance on choosing the headings, tables, figures, language, and tone that will result in powerful, concise, and elegant scholarly communication. It guides users through the scholarly writing process—from the ethics of authorship to reporting research through publication. The seventh edition is an indispensable resource for students and professionals to achieve excellence in writing and make an impact with their work. 


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The Data Storytelling Workbook

Anna Feigenbaum, Aria Alamalhodaei. 2020.

ISBN 9781138052116. 

From tracking down information to symbolising human experiences, this book is your guide for telling more effective, empathetic and evidence-based data stories. In today's world, the ability to communicate effectively with data is an essential skill. Yet while datasets and digital archives grow bigger, more data does not necessarily lead to better data stories.


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Writing Successful Reports and Dissertations

Lucinda Becker. 2015.

ISBN 9781446298268. 

In this book you will find expert guidance to enable you to produce a successful report or dissertation. With a focus on developing an effective writing style and argument, this book will show you, step-by-step, how to plan and deliver a perfect piece of writing to gain top marks.


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Study and Communication Skills for Psychology

Vanessa Parson. 2018. 

ISBN 9780198786122. 

Study and Communication Skills for Psychology is written with first year students in mind and reviews the essential skills a psychology student needs to develop over the course of their undergraduate studies. Written in a practical, motivational style, with plenty of examples and advice to help the reader master the skills being explored, the book explains how to get the most out of lectures, tutorials, and group work; how to approach and use the vast array of information that is available in books, in journals, and on the web; how to think, read, and write critically, and how to communicate research and ideas effectively to others; and how to revise for and complete exams to maximise the chances of success.


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Effective Writing in Psychology : Papers, Posters, and Presentations

Bernard Charles Beins and Agatha Meryl Beins. 2021.

ISBN  9781119722885.

In this book, you will learn how to convey your thoughts on the important problems and solutions in psychology. It would be hard to overstate how important it is to write effectively. Writing constitutes one of the "3 Rs" of a basic education: reading, writing and 'rithmetic. In the world of business, success is dependent, in part, on effective writing.


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Zinātniskā rakstīšana un pētījumu rezultātu izplatīšana

Kristīnes Mārtinsones un Anitas Piperes zinātniskajā redakcijā. 2019.

ISBN 9789934563560.


Monogrāfijā sistemātiski un vispusīgi sniegta informācija par zinātniskās rakstīšanas prasmēm un to pilnveidošanu, kā arī par pētījumu rezultātu izplatīšanu un informācijpratību zinātnē. Grāmatā ietvertās tēmas ir aktuālas plašai mērķauditorijai visās zinātņu jomās. No prasmes pasniegt un izplatīt pētījumu rezultātus lielā mērā ir atkarīgs to tālākais liktenis – kā tie tiks uztverti, izmantoti, iedzīvināti praksē, kā notiks zināšanu pārnese.


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Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing

William H. Putman, Jennifer R. Albright. 2018.  

ISBN 9781305948372. 

This book shows you how to conduct reliable legal research, analyze the results, and write clear memoranda and other legal documents that are on-point and well supported. In addition to an easy-to-read format, this student favorite offers hypothetical scenarios, examples, and exercises that clarify the important work paralegals do every day to help law offices and legal departments run smoothly.


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Writing for Social Scientists : How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article

Howard S. Becker ; with a chapter by Pamela Richards. 2020.

ISBN 9780226643939. 

This is not a book about sociological writing. Instead, Becker applies his sociologist’s eye to some of the common problems all academic writers face, including trying to get it right the first time, failing, and therefore not writing at all; getting caught up in the trappings of “proper” academic writing; writing to impress rather than communicate with readers; and struggling with the when and how of citations. He then offers concrete advice, based on his own experiences and those of his students and colleagues, for overcoming these obstacles and gaining confidence as a writer.


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Academic Writing for University Students

Stephen Bailey. 2022.

ISBN 9780367445393.

Academic Writing for University Students is designed to help all students succeed in writing essays, reports and other papers for coursework and exams effectively. Academic writing is often the biggest challenge facing college and university students, but this book provides all the tools needed to master the necessary skills.


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Scientific Presentation Skills : How to Design Effective Research Posters and Deliver Powerful Academic Presentations

Martins Zaumanis. 2022.

ISBN 9798707079504.

Once you become the scientist whose name others circle in the conference program, your academic career develops much easier: citations to your journal papers accumulate, collaboration opportunities mount, and research funding starts to flow.


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Write an Impactful Research Paper : a scientific writing technique that will shape your academic career

Martins Zaumanis. 2021.

ISBN 9798680546949. 

Forget the struggles of writing a research paper - there is no need for headaches, self-doubt, and endless revisions. If you are a young and ambitious scientist, this concise book offers you a blueprint for confident academic writing, even if you do not possess the writing gene.


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Science Research Writing for Non-native Speakers of English

Hilary Glasman-Deal. 2021.

ISBN 9781786347848

This book enables STEMM researchers to write effective papers for publication as well as other research-related texts such as a doctoral thesis, technical report, or conference abstract. Science Research Writing uses a reverse-engineering approach to writing developed from extensive work with STEMM researchers at Imperial College London. This approach unpacks current models of STEMM research writing and helps writers to generate the writing tools needed to operate those models effectively in their own field. 


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Science Poster Design Guide : a practical guide for designing science posters

Dirma Janse. 2021.

ISBN 9789462361744.

Do you want to design a scientific poster that effectively conveys your research results? One that looks professional, and communicates a clear message? This guide provides 8 easy steps towards the creation of such a poster. It will guide you through the idea process and composing your main message, while giving you the tools you need to draft and create the visual design that fits your needs. The 8 steps are easy to implement and are accompanied by examples for further context.


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Create Your Research Poster

Corina Lacatus, Alex Nogues2021.

ISBN 9781529767575. 

Need to design a research poster but not sure where to start? This book breaks down everything you need to know about translating your research project into an effective research poster. Learn the basic elements of good poster design Ensure your poster captures all the relevant aspects of your research Understand how to tell a story with your poster Succeed at university with Super Quick Skills - giving you the tools and advice you need to quickly progress your skills, and excel in your studies and life.


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Better Posters : Plan, Design, and Present an Academic Poster

Zen Faulkes. 2021.

ISBN  9781784272357. 

Better Posters: a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know – from writing a title and submitting an abstract, to designing the poster and finally presenting it in the poster session. Your conference poster will be one of your first research outputs, and the poster session is your first introduction to a professional community. Making a great poster develops the skills to create publications, reports, outreach and teaching materials throughout your career.


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Designing Science Presentations : a Visual Guide to Figures, Papers, Slides, Posters, and More

Matt Carter. 2020.

ISBN 9780128153772.  

Features clear headings for each section, indicating its message with graphic illustrations Provides clear and concise explanations of design principles traditionally taught in design or visualization courses Includes examples of high-quality figures, page layouts, slides, posters and webpages to aid readers in creating their own presentations Includes numerous "before and after" examples to illustrate the contrast between poor and outstanding presentations.


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100 Tips to Avoid Mistakes in Academic Writing and Presenting

Adrian Wallwork, Anna Southern. 2020.

ISBN 9783030442132.

This book contains one hundred typical mistakes relating to papers, proposals, oral presentations, and correspondence with editors (e.g. journal submissions), reviewers (rebuttal letters), and editing agencies. The book is primarily intended for non-native English speaking researchers.


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How to Write a BA Thesis : a practical guide from your first ideas to your finished paper

Charles Lipson. 2018.

ISBN 9780226430911.  

How to Write a BA Thesis is the only book that directly addresses the needs of undergraduate students writing a major paper. This book offers step-by-step advice on how to move from early ideas to finished paper. It covers choosing a topic, selecting an advisor, writing a proposal, conducting research, developing an argument, writing and editing the thesis, and making through a defense. Lipson also acknowledges the challenges that arise when tackling such a project, and he offers advice for breaking through writer’s block and juggling school-life demands. This is a must-read for anyone writing a BA thesis, or for anyone who advises these students.


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Presenting Data Effectively : communicating your findings for maximum impact

Stephanie D. H. Evergreen. 2018.

ISBN 9781506353128.

Presenting Data Effectively, Second Edition by Stephanie D. H. Evergreen shows readers how to make the research results presented in reports, slideshows, dashboards, posters, and data visualizations more interesting, engaging, and impactful. The book guides students, researchers, evaluators, and non-profit workers―anyone reporting data to an outside audience―through design choices in four primary areas: graphics, text, color, and arrangement. The Second Edition features an improved layout with larger screenshots, a review of the recent literature on data visualization, and input from a panel of graphic design experts.


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Academic Writing : a handbook for international students

Stephen Bailey. 2018.

ISBN 9781138048744.

Clearly organised, the course explains the writing process from start to finish. Each stage is demonstrated and practised, from selecting suitable sources, reading, note-making and planning through to re-writing and proofreading. The book is divided into short sections which contain examples, explanations and exercises for use in the classroom or self-study. Cross-references allow easy access to relevant sections, and a full answer key is included.


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A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations : Chicago Style for students and researchers

Kate L. Turabian ; revised by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, William T. FitzGerald, and the University of Chicago Press editorial staff. 2018.

ISBN 9780226494425. 

This new edition of the classic reference work on writing research papers recognizes recent developments in information literacy including finding, evaluating, and citing a wide range of digital sources and the evolving use of software for citation management, graphics, and paper format and submission while continuing to reflect best practices for research and writing, as adapted from the most recent editions of The Craft of Research and The Chicago Manual of Style.


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